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Umweltanalytik Holbach GmbH

Our Products In the

Pharmaceutical and Food Industry

Microbiological air samples are drawn with high volumes for quality assurance especially in clean rooms of the pharmaceutical and food industry. Even after over 8 million liters of sampling air the reliable MBASS30V3 still works without problems. That is because of the ball-bearing supported brushless motor.

The internal data recording feature of MBASS30V3 provides the required documentation.

Of course the air sampling heads LKS100 and LKS 30 are validated according to EN ISO Standard 14698-1.

A qualification manual (IQ, OQ, and the first steps of PQ) is available.

Our Products

Product Overview


  » MBASS30V3

  » LKS 30 & LKS100

  » PS 30

  » FA 30

  » AS100

  » BiVOC2V2

  » IM806V3

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